Wednesday 18 August 2010

Cafe Soho

John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, frequently asked his valet to bring him meat tucked between some bread so that he might eat without leaving the gaming table. In the 17th century the area that had formerly been the parks of the Palace of Whitehall came to be known as SoHo after the hunting cry used by the Duke of Monmouth.

In 2003 Cafe Soho was awarded "Innovative Sandwich of the Year" by the British Sandwich Association. We had received enquiries from some of our readers as to where they might locate a ploughman's lunch that their valet might take out so that they need not leave the gaming table.

We sent our valet to Cafe Soho having heard of the innovative things that they had done with dishes served in the manner of the Earl of Sandwich. We were very pleased with the light yet wholesome repast which he returned with. The bread was French but the blame here may lie with our valet. The cheese in one half was mild enough not to detract from the tangy feel of the gherkin. The other half had gently sliced ham the taste of which transported one directly to Wiltshire. This was closely allied with wonderfully flavoursome tomatoes.

Is this really a ploughman's lunch? Perhaps not. We have had our valet soundly beaten for this but the quest for a true ploughman's lunch within a hunting cry of Somerset House and yet without leaving the gaming table continues...

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